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Interview with Nate Miyaki

Interview with Nate Miyaki

If anyone ever said that getting fit was a serious matter, Nate Miyaki is living proof that that theory is completely false. In fact, if there was ever a personal trainer that portrayed a healthy lifestyle as simple, it’s Nate!

We’re Partnering with Team USA Weightlifting!

We’re Partnering with Team USA Weightlifting!

The team here at is proud to announce a partnership with our friends at Team USA Weightlifting. This sponsorship will allow the users of to take part in new Team USA Weightlifting group, as well as compete.

Interview with Jeremey DuVall

Interview with Jeremey DuVall

Every trainer gets their start somewhere, whether it’s in a grade-school fitness test or through a college training program. Jeremey DuVall, a freelance fitness writer and personal trainer, is the perfect example of a well-rounded fitness expert.